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What is Computer ? Computer full form? Types of computer? Who invented computer?

What is Computer ? Computer full form? Types of computer? Who invented computer?
25 Oct

What is Computer

A PC is like a smart machine that can perform a lot of calculations or thinking. It can also perform various tasks referred to as projects. A computer system is a complete computer that includes all the necessary parts and software to work. It can also be a group of connected computers. Many things we use every day, like microwaves and robots, are controlled by computers. Computers are used in things like phones and the internet as well. The internet connects many computers and people together. In the past, computers were mainly used to display information on a screen. People have always used simple tools to help with tasks like making calculations, such as calculators. As time passed, more advanced machines were built to do more complex and repetitive tasks. In the mid-1900s, more advanced machines were built for doing simple calculations. The first electronic computer was built during the Second World War. Then, in the late 1940s and 1950s, better technology was developed using silicon and integrated circuits. This led to the development of microchips and smaller computers in the 1970s. After that, computers became faster, more powerful, and more versatile. They continued to improve with more and more parts into the late 1900s and 2000s. This is called the computer revolution. In a good computer, there is usually a special part called a microchip that does most of the important work. It can do calculations and remember things, and there is another part that controls how things are in a certain order. Other things connected to computers include a keyboard, a mouse, and a screen. These things let you give the computer information and see what the computer is doing. Some things can be connected to a computer externally to provide more information or to save things done on the computer.

A computer is a special machine that can work with information in various ways. It can store information, find it, and work with it. You can use a computer for enjoyable activities like writing, playing games, and browsing items on the internet. You can also create charts, slideshows, and even videos with a computer.

Computer full form

computer : Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research

Types of computer

There are various types of computers that differ in size and their ability to handle information. Workstation computers are actually fast and powerful computers. They are used by professionals who work on tasks such as 3D modeling, graphic design, and scientific projects. Server computers are special computers used to provide services to other computers. They are used for hosting websites, keeping an eye on information, and running programs that many people can use. Mini computers are smaller than mainframe computers but still perform well. They are good for businesses and schools that need to work on medium-sized tasks at the same time. They are often used for keeping an eye on information and working on medium-sized tasks. Personal computers, or PCs, are the most common type of computer used by people. They come in various forms, such as desktops and laptops, and are used for everyday tasks like browsing the internet, writing documents, and playing games. Mainframe computers are actually large and powerful computers that can handle a lot of information. They are used by large organizations to handle money, process a lot of information, and do big tasks.

  1. Super Computer
  2. Mainframe computer
  3. Mini Computer
  4. Workstation Computer
  5. Personal Computer (PC)
  6. Server Computer
  7. Analog Computer
  8. Digital Computer
  9. Hybrid Computer
  10. Tablets and Smartphone
  11. generation of computer
  12. Mainframe Computer - A large computer that can be used by many people simultaneously.
  13. Hybrid Computer - A computer that can perform both physical and numerical calculations.
  14. Personal Computer (PC) - A computer that you can keep at home or use for yourself.
  15. Tablets and Smartphones - Small computers that you can hold in your hands and use for various tasks like playing games or talking to people.
  16. Digital Computer - A computer that uses numbers for calculations.
  17. Workstation Computer - A computer that is actually good at doing special tasks like designing things or making movies.
  18. Server Computer - A computer that stores and shares information with other computers.
  19. Analog Computer - A computer that uses physical things for calculations.
  20. Super Computer - A very powerful computer that can do very complex tasks very quickly.
  21. Mini Computer - A small computer that can do less complex tasks.

Who invented computer

Charles Babbage, who was really good at inventing things and figuring out how they work, came up with the idea for a computer that could do lots of different tasks. People call him the "father of the computer" because he made the first computer that used machines and gears to do calculations a long time ago, in the 1800s.

Parts of computer

There are various types of computers that differ in size and their ability to handle information. Workstation computers are actually fast and powerful computers. They are used by professionals who work on tasks such as 3D modeling, graphic design, and scientific projects. Server computers are special computers used to provide services to other computers. They are used for hosting websites, keeping an eye on information, and running programs that many people can use. Mini computers are smaller than mainframe computers but still perform well. They are good for businesses and schools that need to work on medium-sized tasks at the same time. They are often used for keeping an eye on information and working on medium-sized tasks. Personal computers, or PCs, are the most common type of computer used by people. They come in various forms, such as desktops and laptops, and are used for everyday tasks like browsing the internet, writing documents, and playing games. Mainframe computers are actually large and powerful computers that can handle a lot of information. They are used by large organizations to handle money, process a lot of information, and do big tasks.

  1. Super Computer
  2. Mainframe computer
  3. Mini Computer
  4. Workstation Computer
  5. Personal Computer (PC)
  6. Server Computer
  7. Analog Computer
  8. Digital Computer
  9. Hybrid Computer
  10. Tablets and Smartphone

Desktop computer
A desktop computer is a big computer that you use in one place, like on a desk. It has lots of parts inside a box called a case. These parts include a power supply, a motherboard, storage for your files, and other electronic parts. You use a keyboard and mouse to tell the computer what to do, and a monitor to see what the computer is showing you. It can also have speakers and a printer. The computer can be put on the desk or under it, and it can be turned sideways or upright. Computers that have their cases standing up straight are called towers. Most computers made since the 1990s are in this shape, so the term "desktop" or "pizza box" is used to describe computers that have their cases lying flat.

shortcut keys of computer

  1. Control-X
  2. Control-V
  3. Control-C
  4. Ctrl+A
  5. Alt-Tab
  6. Control key
  7. Ctrl + F
  8. Control-Alt-Delete
  9. Ctrl + P
  10. Ctrl + D
  11. Control-K
  12. Ctrl + N
  13. Ctrl + Y
  14. Ctrl + U
  15. Ctrl + I
  16. Ctrl + S
  17. Ctrl + E
  18. Ctrl + L
  19. Ctrl + B
  20. Ctrl + Shift
  21. Ctrl + End
  22. Ctrl + O
  23. Ctrl + Home
  24. Ctrl + Esc

computer courses

Computers are crucial for various tasks, including working with data, teaching and learning about computers, troubleshooting computer issues, and enhancing computer intelligence. If you have an interest in computers, you can study computer science or information technology. This will educate you about various job opportunities, and you can choose the career path that suits you.

After completing the 10th grade, you can enroll in computer classes, which teach you how to use computers, typing, and programs like Microsoft Office. If you want to learn more, you can attend college and study computer science. This can help you secure better job opportunities and earn more money. Job opportunities in the computer field include computer technician, computer engineer, and computer programmer. These jobs can pay between 3 to 5 lakhs per year.

In this field, some jobs offer even higher salaries, such as computer and information research scientist, computer network architect, and cloud architect. These positions can pay freshers between 11 to 20 lakhs per year.

Input devices of computer

  1. Keyboard
  2. Mouse
  3. Joy Stick
  4. Light pen
  5. Track Ball
  6. Scanner
  7. Graphic Tablet
  8. Microphone
  9. Magnetic Ink Card Reader(MICR)
  10. Optical Character Reader(OCR)
  11. Bar Code Reader
  12. Optical Mark Reader(OMR)

Computer network

A PC network is like a group of friends who share toys and things they have with them. They use different methods to communicate with each other and share these things. These methods can be through wires, light, or even invisible signals in the air. Organizing sharing and communication with each other is made easier by different friends using specific ways to set up their network.

A PC network is like the central hub of a large team with various parts. They can be computers, servers, or other special devices that help the team work together. Each hub has a special name that helps us find it and talk to it. This name is usually the same and doesn't change once given.

The network helps us find and identify each hub by using special rules, just like the internet helps us find websites using web addresses. PC networks can be organized in different ways, depending on how they send signals, how fast they can send information, the rules they follow for sending messages, their size, their location, how they manage traffic, and why they were created.

PC networks help us do many things, like using the internet, watching videos and listening to music, sharing files, using printers, and sending emails and text messages.

Computer parts

When all these parts work together, a computer becomes a powerful tool that can help us do all kinds of amazing things! The CPU is like the brain of the computer. It performs calculations and follows instructions to complete tasks. The motherboard is like the boss of the computer. It connects and helps different parts of the computer communicate with each other, much like the brain connects all parts of the body.

RAM is like the computer's short-term memory. It helps the computer work quickly by storing the necessary information and data at that moment. The more RAM a computer has, the faster it can work. Storage devices are like special containers that keep all the important information and files of the computer. They help keep things safe and organized, even when the computer is turned off. HDD is like a large storage box where many things can be stored for a long time, but it takes a little more time to find and retrieve items. SSD is like a small storage box that can quickly find and retrieve things, so it's excellent for things we often use.

The PSU is like a special box that provides electricity to the computer. It converts electricity from the wall into a form that the computer can use. The GPU, or graphics processing unit, is a special computer part that helps make images and videos
The basic parts of a desktop computer are the computer case, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and power cord. Each part plays an important role whenever you use a computer.

Output devices of computer

Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT)
Flat-Panel Display
Large in Size
High power consumption
Impact Printers
Non-Impact Printers

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